Welcome to theBad.net Lee Van Cleef Blog! Here you will find information, photos, videos, and some of my opinions of the badman himself.

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Saturday, June 16, 2018

LVC on Italian TV show 'Su e giù' in 1968

An amazing clip of Lee Van Cleef being interviewed by Corrado and indulging in some Spaghetti Western style horseplay on the Italian TV show 'Su e giù' in 1968


  1. Really cool. Lee had learned some Italian by 1968. He was a big star,top 10 box office draw among actors, and as he said he had an apartment in Rome for awhile when those Italian pictures where coming so fast and furious.

  2. Love to see Lee smile--gorgeous!

  3. Revised LINK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD4vR56XA2M
