Welcome to theBad.net Lee Van Cleef Blog! Here you will find information, photos, videos, and some of my opinions of the badman himself.

Many thanks to the wonderful fans of theBad.net for their contributions and continued enthusiasm!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

FAFDM Pocket Watch Review

Before my first trip to Spain, I decided I would like to have a prop of some sort to take with me on my adventures.  As a six shooter was out of the question, I decided to would be cool to have Indio's pocket watch from For A Few Dollars More when visiting the Agua Caliente location.

I was able to find this watch at themusicalpocketwatch.com.  For $150 it was a very accurate replica of watch Indio had throughout the movie.

The watch itself comes in a very attractive case with the films title on the top, and inside, the famous quote; "When the chimes end, pick up your gun"

Once the watch is opened it plays the familiar Morricone tune.  It is not however a true internal mechanical chime.  The music is a digital recording from the soundtrack that is played from an internal SD card.  The music is projected through speaker holes on the back of the watch (see below)
Overall I think this is a great replica, and with the box, displays great.  As an everyday pocket watch, it may not be the best choice, as you will get tired of that song quickly (it can't be shut off).  I think any fan of the film will be very happy with this replica!
Additional photos below-

...and a few on location pictures!


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Saturday, September 5, 2015


There must have been some revisionist history in the late 1960's in Europe, as this rerelease poster for High Noon, elevates LVC's bit part, to a starring role.  In fact it looks like Day of Anger's Frank Talby is getting in on the action!