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Saturday, January 18, 2025

German Bravo Article - Day of Anger - January 1968

Click to enlarge!

English translations below-


  1. Great stuff, Aaron. Thanks for the translation. It was more than two decades before my short-lived Bravo phase and it makes me wish I was born a couple decades earlier in Germany, or even better in Italy, so I could read cool stuff like this as a kid and witness the Italian western boom in person. Thanks for keeping the fire alive! - Marcin

    1. Marcin --- I'll say "You're Welcome" for Aaron, as he so rarely Posts, an' I'm the one who provided the article to him. ;) I did it because this is one of the last bastions of decent LVC content. So much of the rest of online LVC postings are regurgitation of useless Click-Bait and/or flaccid, old material. Apologies, Aaron, for claiming (honest) credit, here, before contacting you, directly. I'm sure it was an oversight on your part. ;) DCG.
