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Saturday, December 7, 2024

German Bravo Article - Captain Apache


Translation below.  Click to enlarge-


  1. Horrid movie. The loin cloth scene is ridiculous and embarrassing. I suppose LVC thought the finished product would turn out differently? I'm a Superfan of his and usually any LVC is better than no LCV, but not where this movie is concerned. I'm just so embarrassed for him that I can't watch it.

  2. Laynesp, unless I've misremembered my research and/or the hints you've provided, I tho't you were a member of the Bad Babes (not the original LVCWB gang, but at least, in spirit). Never heard a BB dis the Loin Cloth scene in CAP-AP, afore...it was, indeed, their main appreciation for a film that gets slammed as among LVC's Worst (as you do). Takes All Kinds! ;) Just surprised, is all.

  3. BTW, Aaron (et al) -- thisish BRAVO is # 25 (Wednesday, 14th June, 1972). FYI...

  4. ...forgot to site Source for DATE confirmation: https://www.altezeitschriften.de/bravo/2712-bravo-nr25-14-juni-1972-amadeus-august.html
