Welcome to theBad.net Lee Van Cleef Blog! Here you will find information, photos, videos, and some of my opinions of the badman himself.

Many thanks to the wonderful fans of theBad.net for their contributions and continued enthusiasm!

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Marion Van Cleef Obituary

LVC's mother's obituary from December of 1987 in The Courier-News

Click to enlarge

Saturday, June 19, 2021

VHS Flashback: The Squeeze

Before streaming, blu-ray, and DVD, most LVC films were only available on home video cassette tapes, usually VHS (but also Betamax).  Many of us discovered these films for the first time in these formats (usually cropped and edited).

Often times due to rights issues, these films were given new titles (some similar to the original, some not).  Often the cover image of LVC was not from the actual film!

Here is a look back at the old VHS LVC video covers for The Squeeze!

Saturday, June 12, 2021

eBay Watch: Candid Signed Photo

From time to time I will post interesting items that I see on eBay that would be of interest to a LVC fan. These are not endorsements of the sellers, just merely my observations of interesting or rare items.

This week there is a signed candid photo from the 1980's that I have never seen before

Item has a "Buy it Now" of $199.99