Last month I was fortunate enough to return to Spain to revisit some of my favorite LVC locations. No trip to Almeria would be complete without a trip to Los Albaricoques, which of course was featured prominently in For a Few Dollars More as the town of Agua Caliente. I had first visited in 2013 and featured a report on the town as well as the iconic duel ring. Returning in 2015 I focused on it's use in Day of Anger and El Condor. Now in 2017, Los Albaricoques is largely unchanged, and still features the iconic white washed village as featured in those films.
Below are some pictures from my recent trip to Los Albaricoques and the surrounding area. Click to enlarge!
Not far out of town is the location from the beginning of The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly where we first meet Angel Eyes. Parts of this site have been faithfully restored to resemble the location as featured in the film. I will have a full comparisons of this location posted soon!
And the final stop is Cortijo del Fraile featured prominently in The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly as the Mission San Antonio.
Stay tuned for an update on the staggering recreation of Sad Hill Cemetery!